Islamic Wisdom: The Importance of Niiyya(Intention) in Islam

Synopsis of Raja Muhammad Mustansar Javaid’s Article

The concept of intentions, or “niyyah” in Arabic, holds a significant place in the Islamic faith. In fact, intentions are considered the starting point of any action in Islam, and they play a crucial role in determining the moral value and reward of an action. Muslims are encouraged to be mindful of their intentions in all their actions, whether they be acts of worship or daily tasks, as it is believed that a clear and sincere intention increases the sincerity and reward of the action. In this article, we will explore the Islamic perspective on intentions or niyyah, examining the importance of intentions in Islamic faith and practice, and how they relate to one’s faith and moral character.

The concept of intentions in Islam:

In Islam, intentions hold a significant place in the practice of religion and all other aspects of life. Muslims are encouraged to be mindful of their intentions in all their actions and to strive towards performing good deeds with pure intentions.

The concept of intention, or “niyyah” in Arabic, is considered the starting point of any action. The concept of intention is mentioned throughout the Quran, where Allah (God) emphasizes the importance of having pure and sincere intentions in one’s actions. For example, in Surah Al-Muddathir, Allah says, “And not for anyone else does he spend of his wealth, but only seeking the face of his Lord, the Most High” (Quran 92:20), highlighting the importance of having the intention to seek Allah’s pleasure in one’s actions.

Islam teaches that intentions play a crucial role in determining the moral value and reward of an action. A good deed performed with pure and sincere intention is considered more valuable in the sight of Allah than a deed done with a selfish or insincere intention. Similarly, a wrong action committed with an evil intention is considered more sinful than an action done unintentionally or with a good intention.

Muslims are encouraged to make their intentions clear to themselves and to Allah before performing any action, whether it be an act of worship or a worldly task. It is believed that a clear and sincere intention increases the sincerity and reward of the action.

Furthermore, Islam teaches that intentions should not only be limited to actions but also to thoughts and beliefs. Muslims are encouraged to maintain pure and positive intentions in their thoughts and beliefs, as they are considered the foundation of one’s faith.

Overall, the concept of intentions is highly valued in Islam, and Muslims are encouraged to strive towards performing all their actions with pure and sincere intentions, seeking the pleasure of Allah and the betterment of themselves and others.

Allah Knows What Inside in Our Heart:

In Islam, intention (niyyah) is of great importance as it is the foundation of one’s actions and deeds. Allah knows the true intention of every individual and judges them accordingly. It is believed that Allah is all-knowing and all-seeing. He knows the secrets of the heart and the intentions of every individual. The concept of Allah knowing what is inside our hearts is mentioned numerous times in the Quran and is emphasized in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

One of the most famous verses in the Quran that speaks about Allah’s knowledge of our innermost thoughts and intentions is found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 235: “And do not take an oath by Allah except in truth and do not mix the truth with falsehood, and do not conceal the truth while you know.” This verse warns against taking oaths by Allah falsely and concealing the truth while knowing it. This implies that Allah knows the truth, including our intentions and actions, even if we try to hide them.

Another Hadith narrated by Umar ibn Al-Khattab states, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended” (Sahih Al-Bukhari). This Hadith emphasizes that the quality of our deeds is based on the purity of our intentions and that we will be rewarded according to our intentions.

Therefore, in Islam, it is believed that Allah knows what is inside our hearts and that our intentions play a crucial role in determining the value of our actions. It is essential for Muslims to strive to have pure and sincere intentions in all their actions, seeking Allah’s pleasure and reward in the Hereafter.

In Islam, the intention must precede the action. This means that a person must set a pure intention before performing any action, as the intention is what determines the value of the action. If the intention is not pure, the action will not be rewarded, even if it appears to be good on the surface.